Pennsylvania State Data Center

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Results for County Business Patterns Data:

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Research Briefs

pdfThe State of Industry: 2005 to 2015 hide

A look at trends in County Data Books with data for 2005, 2010, and 2015.

published: 6/14/2017 | tags: County Business Patterns Data , County-Level Data , Economy , Employment , Research Briefs

pdf2006 County Business Patterns Released hide

Pennsylvania saw an increase of 725 business establishments with paid employees between 2005 and 2006, according to the recently-released U.S. Census Bureau report, County Business Patterns: 2006. As the number of business establishments increased, the total number of paid employees also increased, adding 107,319 employees or a 2.1 percent gain.

published: 6/30/2008 | tags: County Business Patterns Data , Research Briefs

pdf2005 County Business Patterns Released hide

Pennsylvania saw an increase in 1,776 business establishments with paid employees between 2004 and 2005, according to the recently-released U.S. Census Bureau report, County Business Patterns: 2005. Though the number of business establishments increased, the total number of paid employees decreased by 24,414, or a 0.5 percent loss.

published: 6/11/2007 | tags: County Business Patterns Data , Research Briefs

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