Facts and figures guide businesses and government through day-to-day decision making. One way to clarify and visualize numbers is through the use of reference maps and statistical mapping. The Pennsylvania State Data Center is the official source of U.S. Census data for the commonwealth and, as such, is the recipient of the U.S. Census reference maps.
Statistical and Thematic Mapping
Statistical mapping facilitates data analysis by displaying information in a spatial format. It also assists in conveying information to an audience. Any data item from the 1990 or 2000 Census, Population Estimates, American Community Survey or user-supplied data can be placed into its coordinating geographic boundaries; whether state level, county, school district, zip code, census tract or block.
Census Bureau Geographic Reference Maps (2000)
The Census Bureau has prepared thousands of map sheets which cover Pennsylvania in its entirety. There are several types of maps at various geographic levels. Each reference map measures three by four feet. All maps are $5.00 per map sheet, unless noted differently.
County Block Maps
County Block Maps depict each county and statistically equivalent area on one or more map sheets. The scale and number of sheets are determined by the county’s area, shape and the density of its block pattern. Large-scale inset maps provide detail for densely populated areas.
The maps illustrate features such as streets, rivers, and railroads. They include the names and boundaries for all county subdivisions, census designated places, the 2000 census tracts, block numbering areas and blocks. Each county map set includes an index map sheet that identifies the locations of the map sheets comprising the county set.
The state set includes 3,221 map sheets.
County Subdivision Maps
The County Subdivision Map is a single map sheet showing the names and boundaries of counties, county subdivisions, and census-designated places.
Voting District Outline Maps
Voting District Outline Maps display voting district boundaries only.
PL94-171 Block Maps
The PL94-171 Block Maps are identical to the County Block Maps but also include voting district boundaries.
Census Tract/Block Numbering Area (BNA) Outline Maps
Census Tract/BNA Area Outline Maps are county-based maps with less detail than the County Block Maps. These maps display the boundaries of census tracts or BNAs. They also include the features and names underlying the boundaries, and the names and boundaries of counties, county subdivisions, and census designated places. The number and scale of map sheets vary by county and larger-scale insets display densely settled areas.
There are a total of 312 map sheets for the state at tract level.
Other Mapping Services:
PAMAP Digital Orthoimagery and LiDAR
PAMAP, a new electronic map of Pennsylvania, is being created as a seamless, consistent, high-resolution set of digital, geospatial data products. The map is being compiled from new high-resolution aerial photography and elevation data, and from existing digital map resources developed by state and federal agencies, counties, regional agencies, and municipalities. PAMAP’s digital files are available for downloading or as web-services through Pennsylvania Spatial Data Access (PASDA) with no user fee charged. Volume purchases and custom data extracts are available from the Pennsylvania State Data Center through the Center for Geospatial Information Services, for a fee. Call PaSDC for details and pricing. LiDAR “las” files are not available from PASDA and must be ordered through PaSDC.