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Results for Economic Census Data:
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Pennsylvania Black-Owned Businesses Increase More Than 80 Percent
Black-owned businesses in Pennsylvania increased over 80 percent between 2002 and 2007, according to a recently-released U.S. Census Bureau report, 2007 Survey of Business Owners: Black-Owned Firms. The growth rate of the Commonwealth’s Black owned firms was almost seven times the state average for all businesses (12.4 percent) (see Figure 1). Nearly 20,000 Black-owned firms have been added since 2002, increasing the Commonwealth’s total to 44,717.
published: 2/10/2011 | tags:
Economic Census Data
Research Briefs
Deadline for Economic Census Form Nears
The Pennsylvania State Data Center at Penn State Harrisburg reports that Pennsylvania businesses have until February 12, 2003, to complete and return their 2002 Economic Census form. Every 5 years the Economic Census develops a comprehensive portrait of the American Economy from the national to local level. In December, forms were mailed to 210,000 businesses in Pennsylvania. Federal law requires businesses to respond to the form.
published: 2/7/2003 | tags:
Economic Census Data
Research Briefs
Pennsylvania Retail Trade Ready for the Holiday Season
Shoppers in Pennsylvania should have no trouble finding holiday gifts or places to buy gifts this year. The Pennsylvania State Data Center at Penn State Harrisburg reports that according to the 1997 Economic Census, there were 50,208 retail trade establishments in Pennsylvania in 1997 with 650,144 paid employees and generating nearly $110 billion in sales.
published: 12/21/2001 | tags:
Economic Census Data
Research Briefs
Pennsylvania 1st in Growth in Transportation, Communications and Utilities Revenue: 1992 to 1997
A statistical comparative analysis between the 1992 and 1997 Economic Censuses indicates the strength of Pennsylvania's industries. This comparative analysis, 1997 Economic Census: Comparative Statistics 1987 SIC Basis, conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau, shows that Pennsylvania ranked first in the nation in revenue percent increase in the Transportation, Communications and Utilities industries category. Major industry groups that comprise the Transportation, Communications and Utilities category include water transportation, transportation services, communications and electric, gas and sanitary services. It does not include railroad transportation or the U.S. Postal Service.
published: 12/18/2001 | tags:
Economic Census Data
Research Briefs
Pennsylvania's Women-Owned Businesses Rank 7th in Nation
The Pennsylvania State Data Center reports that Pennsylvania's women-owned businesses ranked seventh in the nation in number of firms for 1997. This information, released by the U.S. Census Bureau on April 4th, is from the 1997 Economic Census Report. The report also states that womenowned businesses in the commonwealth generated more than $34 billion in sales and receipts. The report
also stated that the 5.4 million women-owned businesses in the United States in 1997 employed more than 7.1 million persons and generated almost $820 billion in receipts.
published: 6/14/2001 | tags:
Economic Census Data
Research Briefs
Pennsylvania’s Construction Industry Ranks 6th In Number of Establishments
The Pennsylvania State Data Center reports that Pennsylvania ranks 6th in the nation with 27,046 establishments in the construction industry. This, according to the 1997 Economic Census, is a 3.1 percent increase over the 1992 Economic Census. The total number of construction establishments
in the United States was reported at 639,482, an 11.6 percent increase since 1992. The U.S. Census Bureau
defines an establishment as a single physical location at which business is conducted or services are provided. It is not necessarily identical to a company or enterprise that may consist of one or more establishments. In order to provide comparative numbers between the 1997 and 1992 Economic Censuses, the Standard Industrial Classification System was used to determine the number of establishments at 27,046. The North American Industrial Classification Systems lists the number of establishments in Pennsylvania as 27,536 for 1997.
published: 3/1/2001 | tags:
Economic Census Data
Research Briefs