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Results for Projections:
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Pennsylvania County Population Projections Now Available
The Pennsylvania State Data Center at Penn State Harrisburg has produced state and county detailed population projections for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The projections contain a wealth of data, information and analysis useful for planning, policy evaluation, the consideration of alternative public or private intervention activities, and the formulation and management of programs developed to deal with particular situations.
published: 11/3/2008 | tags:
Research Briefs
Census Bureau Releases State Population Projections: Pennsylvania continues slow growth
The Pennsylvania State Data Center at Penn State Harrisburg reports that Pennsylvania will grow to a population of 12,768,184 people by the year 2030 and maintain its position as the nation’s 6th largest state. This data, released today, is from the U.S. Census Bureau’s Population Division and were developed for each of the 50 states and the District of Columbia by age and sex for the years 2004 to 2030. The projections are based on results from Census 2000.
published: 4/21/2005 | tags:
Research Briefs