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Results for Commuting Statistics:
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U.S. Census Bureau Release Provides New Opportunity to Analyze Commuter Effects on Daytime Population in Pennsylvania
The U.S. Census Bureau has released the first-ever estimates of daytime population in cities and counties based on Census 2000 data. The concept of daytime population refers to the number of people, including workers, who are present in an area during normal business hours, in contrast to the resident population during the evening and nighttime hours.
The estimates give planners and officials the opportunity to analyze an issue that is of increasing importance to cities and counties across the country: the effects of a growing commuter workforce. In light of recent events like Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, the daytime population of
cities could figure prominently in future disaster and transportation planning.
published: 10/31/2005 | tags:
2000 Census
Commuting Statistics
Research Briefs
2000 County-to-County Worker Flow Commuter Files: Where Do People Work and Where Do People Live
The Pennsylvania State Data Center at Penn State Harrisburg reports that the U.S. Census Bureau has released Census 2000 County-to-County Worker Flow files. These files were compiled from responses to Census 2000 long-form questionnaires on where people worked. These files allow users to look at the number of people who work in a county during the reference week and determine where they reside whether in an adjacent county or in another state. The data is available at the county level for the United States, individual states and the District of Columbia.
published: 3/6/2003 | tags:
Commuting Statistics
Research Briefs